With all of the social media venues available today, it can become difficult deciding where to spend your time investment. While Pinterest has made it’s mark on social media and I don’t foresee it going anywhere anytime soon, a closer look at the statistics, growths and conversions, will stress bigger importance of time investment on Facebook and Twitter, for your primary social media outlets.
Blog Big or Go Home
Blogging is the foundation of your content marketing business plan. Therefore, it is imperative that you understand how to captivate the attention of your audience and keep them coming back for more. Here are 14 tips that will help get you on your road to success:
Google to Rank Facts not Links?
With Google recently doing away with page rankings, it was only a matter of time before they announced a new way to score a websites page. Google’s current search engine tracks the number of incoming links to a website as a proxy that determines where the site will appear in search results. The downside of this is that websites that are linked to often will rise in the rankings, regardless of their quality or the amount of bad information represented on them as truth. This has helped several garbage sites achieve front page results, in place of sites more deserving of holding that coveted spot.
How Do I Find My Topic?
When writing content for your blog, it can become overwhelming at times regarding the subject of topic. For example, if you are an eCommerce site selling Blue Widgets and need to produce 8 on-site articles monthly (to drive traffic to your site and engage prospective customers to make a purchase), how do you curate content to talk about the blue widgets without becoming repetitive and boring? Let’s take a look at 3 ways to help you find the right topic: