Infographics are a great resource to utilize for painting a clearer picture of the information you are outlining within an article. Below are three infographics that I believe will be helpful for you, in becoming a better blogger.
#1- The 6 Elements of a Powerful Blog Post
In an infographic created by Neil Patel, of Quicksprout, the six elements that make a blog post more powerful are outlined for us neatly. The points I loved most in this helpful tool were these facts: “articles with images get 94% more views” and “around 175,000 blogs are added to the internet daily.” While I have incorporated the image statistics in previous articles, the new daily blog count number was a new statistic for me. It really puts in perspective, the importance of marketing your content and implementing proper SEO.
#2- 13 Blogging Statistics You Probably Don’t Know, But Should
This infographic was created by Mitt Ray of Social Marketing Writing. It is an excellent resource for exploring the statistics about blogging. While statistics can be debated and you may find contradicting information online (what am I saying…may?) Educating yourself about the types of data people are collecting statistics for in your field, is important for you to gain a better understanding of what your followers (customers) are looking for. As well as, what your competition is already doing.
#3- 28 Inspirational WordPress Plugins For Bloggers
WordPress is your best platform for blogging and it is no wonder that nearly 5% of all websites are powered by it on the internet. In an earlier post, I elaborated on 11 reasons why you should utilize WordPress. A brief recap of some of the main points include: free, opensource, plugins for everything and the tremendous support available for users. Touching on the plugins for everything, that can become overwhelming, if you are not familiar with what you need. This infographic outlines 28 useful plugins, specifically for bloggers. Another bonus to the infographic itself is that it is user responsive, much like many of their themes.