Getting your Business on the Google Map

As a small business owner, a key component of your marketing campaign must be developing an online presence. It’s the best way to ensure your would-be customers can find you. How is Google helping SMB’s to do this? Google’s “Let’s Put Our Cities on the Map” initiative can help you with this. It’s all about creating a Google My Business listing. How can this service impact your business? How can you incorporate it into your social marketing?

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7 Steps to Writing An Amazing Blog Post!!!

How many times have you sat down at your computer and stared mindlessly at the screen wondering, “What on earth am I going to write about today?!’

As a content marketer, I know all too well, the struggles of writer’s block, meeting deadlines and the pressure to produce good, quality content within an efficient allotment of time. There are times I can produce a great piece of content within an hour, and other times, when after five hours, I’ve managed to string something together, but am frustrated with the amount of time it has taken me to produce it.

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