Pinterest Series 1: Is Pinterest the New Google?

pinterest-googleIs Pinterest the new Google? That is a question many of us within SEO and social media circles are pondering. As with anything in our field, there is debate about this statement and arguments supporting both the yes and no, answers to the question. I asked David, our resident SEO guru and geek, what he thought about it.

After his several minutes of laughter finally subsided, he directed me to Quantcast, for a quick statistical measure of the two sites. Quantcast is a site that allows for you to type in any website address and compare it’s traffic to another website’s URL.

Below was our findings:


As you can see, that while Pinterest’s 58,897,488 is impressive, it pales in comparison to Google’s, 204,222,288 monthly users. In addition, the number two spot for monthly traffic and use is Youtube with 185,832,112 monthly users. It is important to note that Google owns Youtube; so Google has secured both the number one and two rankings with a combined total of 390,054,400 monthly users. Subtract Pinterest’s numbers from this total and you will see a difference of 331,156,912 people who utilize Google over Pinterest!

After reviewing the statistical data, the Matrix Marketing team holds the stance of NO, Pinterest is most definitely not the new Google! Pinterest has a long way to go before being compared or even mentioned in the same vicinity of Google as the number one search engine. That being said, Pinterest is an integral part of your social media marketing plan. Think of it as the visual content for optimizing, along with the content we already optimize for Google.

infographicImages are a necessary attribute to quality content, with regards to time spent on your blog site and creating socially shared pieces of content. The visual aspect to marketing, demands clickable images that portray: beauty, uniqueness and intrigue. You want your images to encourage potential customers or clients to want to know more about the product you are selling.

Pinterest provides a perfect platform for step by step and DIY (do-it-yourself) infographic images to be shared; creating traffic to your site and blog. Infographics are a critical element to sharing blog posts on Pinterest and have a higher repin factor. DIY and Recipe pins have a 42% higher repin rate. It is important to incorporate these types of boards, regardless of what your business is selling.

Come back next week, to further explore the necessary boards for your Pinterest marketing strategy and the statistics supporting these findings.