It is impossible to go anywhere these days without witnessing people clinging to their mobile devices. Most people carry smartphones. Translation? They are equipped with personal computers that have the capability to search online, purchase online and interact on their social media outlets. The world has gone mobile!
How-To Get Your Brain To Storm!!!
Are you constantly searching the internet for content ideas? Are you plagued, time and time again with writer’s block? I know the feeling and it can be extremely frustrating. There are times my brain is rapid firing with concepts and ideas. Still, others when I stare at my computer screen for hours before I can seem to string a sentence together. Let’s explore how to get our brains to storm further below!
Stumbling Upon StumbleUpon!!!
Recently, I was enjoying my lunch break and catching up on Twitter activity, when I came across an article on Search Engine Journal called, “15 Places You Should Be Sharing Your Blog Posts (Other Than Facebook And Twitter).” Naturally, I had heard of several of the platforms mentioned and in fact, utilize many of them. However, I had not yet made myself familiar with StumbleUpon. This article enticed my curiosity and I decided to start stumbling.
Reddit: Your New Blogging Forum?
There are places to share your blog content, other than Facebook and Twitter! Because these are the most popular social media platforms, sometimes marketers get into a routine of posting there and only there. Why wouldn’t you strive to publish on a site that claims to be the front page of the internet? That’s right. I am talking about Reddit.